Friday, August 13, 2010

BBC - World Service - World Have Your Say: On air: How worried ...

At , I think that we have been in a midst of a global food crisis for many years---But, with the recent stories in both weather and other aspects; At , All over the world the farmers are paid for NOT TO PRODUCE - now, the scarcity was created by those who rule! they must have high food prices! At , More like a food distribution crisis, I'd guess. With traders trying to cut each other to make profits, how can we not expect to get ripped off when we go to buy food? It is essential if we are going to survive as a species, that food is not allowed to become so expensive that people cannot afford to feed their families. Nutritious food is like clean drinking water and clean air. At , The world produced enough food to feed everybodies, the question should be does everybodies can afford to buy the food that was produced? At , Yes, the world is experiencing its worst food crisis in decades. The region of the Sahal (south of the Sahara Desert) used to be a high food producing region. Yet millions of small-scale farmers throughout the world are proving that it's possible to grow food in surplus WHEN supported by sound government policies, appropriate technologies, and their own farming wisdom. - secure the legal rights to their land, - establish affordable credit, - access to markets that will pay a fair price. This current food crisis is devastating for millions throughout the world, but it is only the beginning of a much larger and deeper crisis to come, as the multiple factors of unsustainable agrofuels, energy crises, and climate change intensify. Perhaps we are not an edge of a food crisis but more likely at an edge of worse things to come. At , were not on the edge of food crises, it's all about politics it's just a game of fear that's all.. we have plenty of food to go around we need to control the amout we need 11. At , I fear that we are not in the midst of a global food crisis but at the beginning of one. Scavengers who have contributed nothing to the production of food etc. At , Bankers and investors are always looking to the next place to create a bubble for their own profit and if they can do that with food they have no reluctance in having large numbers of people starve in their never ending accumulation of wealth. At , the global food crisis as seen by many in this case basically affects mostly the agricultural dominant countries hardest. i think the UN and the international community should be more proactive in the fight against hunger and establish policies which increase the food security of states. At , There has been a global food crisis for a long time now, and finally even the west is feeling the pinch. Logistically, however, it would be impossible to get all of the food which is produced in good condition to the entire world before it goes bad; despite the fact that there is more than enough food in the world to feed every single mouth to be full daily. At , Food production isn't the problem, overpopulation is. In many countries youth unemployment has gone through the roof and now food is getting scarcer and still people don't get the message and blame "capitalism" instead of just using a condom. There is enough food to go around the world. By itself, a single season of low production in Russia would not be a long-term problem, but combined with waste (in the US, 40% of food is thrown-away, and that's after many of us have eaten enough to become obese), loss of arable land from desertification and climatic disturbances, increased costs for transport and production on energy-intensive factory farms, over-population and the inclination of many newly, relatively-prosperous people in India and China to emulate our over-consumptive ways, we would do well to reconsider our role in production and consumption. Its beginning to look like our leaders aren't leading recognizing, as they must, that bad news from them is political suicide since the electorate (us) is used to being told that everything will be all-right if we just keep consuming, so we can accept looming famine - after all, it will only be brown people far away - or we can embrace our complex role in the consumption-production balance and act responsibly insisting that our respective governments act like leaders instead of short-term pocket-liners. At , Food crisis is only part of the warning order about global climate change. At , ModernJan, The world wouldn't have more people if there wasn't enough food. I saw a documentary recently and most of there food was wheat based, bread, soup etc. At , I'm not as worried for my part of the world as I am for theirs.I think the wheat problem is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their problems. No, the GW Researchers neglected to include those months of record freezing temperature - - apparently, not only were they inconveniently not in the GW 'projections', but any idea they knocked sideways every GW 'projection' is to be squashed even though that is what the actual Scientific data suggests is the case. We have plenty of food in the world at the moment, we have huge famines in some places and huge food and grain mountains in others - and I think Tom above, has got it right about the 'distribution' bit - The worlds borders and it's economy do not help the situation and I imagine it will get worse. Plus, the disastrous weather has not helped this years crops world-wide which means food shortages and price rises - and the problem is if farms can't grow crops, then individuals won't be able to 'grow-their-own' either so Yes, it's not only Russia - we are all definitely heading for a world food crisis.

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