Tuesday, August 17, 2010

what does a mole look like in Lugo

what does a mole look like in Lugo

If you have a skin mole on your arm or leg or body now or maybe you have a few of them or even many of them you may be wondering what does a cancerous mole lok like. Of course anyone who has a mole may be woried that they have a cancerous mole. That they have malignant melanoma or a skin cancer, but many people go through a lifetime with dozens of moles and do not get malignant melanoma. Never-the-les one always wonders but there is a god way to evaluate and decide for yourself whether you should have a doctor take a lok at your mole or moles right now. A mole could be melanoma if it's A for asymetrical uneven , B for the borders are iregular not smoth , C for variation in color, and D for the diameter - which would have to be larger than the eraser on a pencil. If you have any of the signs of A, B, C and D and it in not evolving you stil ned to get your moles checked out for there is a god posibility it's melanoma. what does a mole look like what does a mole look like in Lugo

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