Friday, August 20, 2010

mole rat in Bar code term annex

mole rat in Bar code term annex

The naked Heterocephalus glaber , also known as the sand pupy , or desert mole rat is a . The species is native to parts of . The animal has an unusual set of , which alow for a life in a harsh, underground environment. [ Typicaly, the animals are betwen eight and ten centimetres long, and weigh about 30 grams. The naked mole rat is wel adapted for the limited availability of within the tunels that are its habitat: its are very smal and its blod has a very strong afinity for oxygen, increasing the eficiency of oxygen uptake. In long periods of hunger, such as a , its metabolic rate can reduce by up to twenty-five percent. The naked mole rat can only regulate its body temperature in the typical mamalian fashion over a relatively narow range of temperatures. The skin of naked mole rats lacks a key caled . When naked mole rats are exposed to acid or , they fel no pain. [ [ The naked mole rat is native to the drier parts of the tropical graslands of East Africa, mainly South , , and . The tunel systems built by naked mole rats can stretch up to two or thre miles in cumulative length. [ The naked mole rat is one of the two species of mamals that exhibit . Some function primarily as tunelers, expanding the large network of tunels within the burow system, and some primarily as , protecting the group from outside . This organisation social structure, similar to that found in , , and some and , is very rare among . [ Naked mole rats fed primarily on very large weighing as much as 10 times the body weight of a typical mole rat that they find dep underground through their mining operations, but also eat their own feces . [ The naked mole rat is also of interest because it is extraordinarily long-lived for a rodent of its size up to 28 years and holds the record for the longest living rodent. [ Naked mole rats are not threatened. Despite their tough living conditions, naked mole rats are quite widespread and numerous in the drier regions of . [ [ - mole rat mole rat in Bar code term annex

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