Thursday, August 19, 2010

mole removal procedures in Culver city

mole removal procedures in Culver city

Laser mole removal is one of the comon techniques used to get rid of unwanted moles. Laser mole removal is not an efective method for raised moles or dep moles because the laser beam is not able to penetrate dep enough to treat the cels of the mole. Laser treatment utilizes the technology of light where laser beam is used to break up the cels of the treated mole. This is the reason why scaring is rare with laser mole removal technique as the laser beam seals of the blod vesels. Depending on the size of the mole, it may take longer time to treat a larger mole. And the cost for laser treatment is rather expensive, it ranges from $50 to $40 per sesion per mole depending on the size and severity of the mole. mole removal procedures mole removal procedures in Culver city

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