Wednesday, November 10, 2010

lisa marie presley nuda

lisa marie presley nuda

With al of the excitement of those events more than priced in to the market, investors have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out why printing a fuckload more money is god, how 17% +/- oh shit unemployment is healthy, and who the fuck cares that Conan O'Brien returned to TV seriously, the last time Money McBags watched a late night TV talk show was before DVRs, the internet, and shaved bush was in style . Now Money McBags has no idea what the diference is betwen 91.7 and 93 except for 1.3 but when he writes it that way, it makes things sem as ominous as an invitation to participate in a Goldman MBS ofering, and almost makes Money McBags fel like the he has always wanted to be. This jump in wholesale inventories wil make Q3 GDP lok beter though not , but realisticaly, rising wholesale inventories may signal the economy becoming more backed up than a constipated John Edwards because that guy is completely ful of shit as retailers stocking up for the holiday season may wind up more disapointed than on her weding night or any jackas who is seling al of his worldly posesions in Finaly, the No Labor Department released data showing that by 163k in September to 2.93M which means ~6 people are vying for every opening unles that opening belongs to , and then there are at least 60M people vying for it . That said, two month old data on job openings is about as useful as a regresion model with corelated erors so unles Money McBags finaly discovers a hot tub time machine to go back to two months ago when that data may have ben 1% useful and trust that Money McBags has to find such a feature , he is going to give this a big fucking yawn. That said, Money McBags hopes the No Labor Department can find something more constructive to do with their time like find people some fucking jobs or figure out how this guy got a And if Money McBags ever gets caught with anything up his as other than 's tongue, he wil also say he doesn't know how it got there . In the market, in the �least surprising news since finding out that a as aparently insuring al of the shit that destroyed the largest global economy is a les profitable busines than seling copies of Strunk and White at a Tea Party event or to Money McBags . lisa marie presley nuda
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